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Modernizing the Customer Guidance System at Basel-Stadt Population Office

3 min read
Qsome Team • May 31, 2024

Written by the Population Office

Initial Situation

The existing customer guidance system at the Population Office no longer met our requirements, so a new solution had to be found that met our needs.

What Was Introduced

A modern customer guidance system was introduced at the Population Office Basel-Stadt, which consists of the Residents’ Registration Office, the Passport Office, and the Civil Registry Office. This system integrates the possibility of online appointment reservations via the Population Office’s website. This innovation allows customers to reserve their desired appointments in advance, reduces waiting times, and improves the personnel deployment planning of the Residents’ Registration Office.

How Was the Experience in Collaboration and Implementation

The company Qsome/e-nov8 demonstrated an understanding of our requirements during the needs analysis phase and played a supportive role in the project’s implementation. The system’s implementation went smoothly and was characterized by flexible adaptation to our needs.

Did the Result Meet the Requirements?

The project result met our expectations. The developed software solution is user-friendly and allows the Population Office to carry out many of the necessary configurations independently. This leads to significant time and cost savings and increases our flexibility. Further developments can be easily requested and implemented.


“The collaboration with Qsome/e-nov8 was professional and goal-oriented. Our needs were understood and efficiently implemented.”

— Roman Mathis, Project Manager, Department of Justice and Security Basel-Stadt, BdM Staff Services.

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